Sunday, January 5, 2014

Who and What is Prepping Mom?

Welcome to my blog!! I'm happy you have stumbled upon this and hope that you will stick around and check out some of my posts!

Let me first introduce myself. I am a 31 year old wife and mom of a pre-teen daughter! Over the last year, roughly, my family has taken an interest in prepping, self-sufficiency, and living more simply.

So why did I start a blog?

Well, mostly because I want to encourage other people to look at their lives and find ways that they can be prepared for the unexpected. I know a lot of people give you that crazy look when you say something about prepping - and, don't worry, I don't mean you need to try to be on a reality TV show! But, when it's getting ready to snow, or thunderstorms are moving through your area - are you ready if the power goes out? What about a larger scale event - could you make it through something that left you without power or other every day luxuries for 3 days, or a week?

I am no expert and will never position myself as such. My goal behind this blog is share our journey and our progress as well as encourage others to begin or continue their own.

I'll touch on a wide array of topics - everything from canning, gardening, sewing and other crafts, prepping/readiness, prepping on a tight-budget, self-defense and firearms, food storage, recipes, and I'm sure many other things as the mood strikes!

I'm just getting started and look to post at least once a week so stick around for more Prepping Mom! I hope that some of this information will be useful and encouraging to you and your family as well! 

 Be sure to follow me on Facebook, Goggle +, Twitter, and Pintrest!

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