Monday, February 3, 2014

Size Matters

In an earlier post, 5 Basic Steps to Starting a Food Stockpile, we went over a few tips to help you get started on your food preps.

Over the next several posts we are breaking down each step into more detail.

Size Matters

I shared with you that one of my first prepping food purchases was a nearly 7 pound can of beans.  I'm prepping for a family of three so if this is something we were planning to open and use during an emergency situation it would be a bit excessive!

If you've made a similar mistake as me there are way you can repackage the items now to prevent waste.

You can use what you are able and dehydrate the rest (or all of them).  Dehydrated beans are great for throwing in soups/casseroles, etc as needed and will prevent you from creating waste.


However, if you are in a grid-down situation, you have created a situation for possible waste, which you will want to avoid (but hopefully you avoid that as much as possible now also!).

So as you are planning your preps, be aware of the sizes of items your purchase or store yourself. You want to ensure that you are not creating situations for waste. Of course, sometimes if you are making a purchase, it is more cost effective to buy those big items, just make sure you plan how to use them and repackage now if necessary!

I hope that you find this to be helpful information. Have you ran into this issue before? If so, leave a comment and let us know how you fixed it!

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